And We gave the understanding of the case to Suleiman; and to both, We have given Wisdom and Knowledge. And We subjected the mountains as well as birds to glorify along with Dawood, and it was We Who did all these things.
When sheep of certain people overran into other people’s farmland, they approached Dawood and Suleiman for justice. Dawood decided to reward the sheep as compensation to the farmer whose crops were destroyed. But Suleiman who felt injustice in the judgment told to give the sheep to the farmer until he recoups his cultivation. And the farmer could take, the milk, wool, and possibly young sheep during that specific period. Even though the Justice came from young Suleiman, Dawood accepted it without any hesitation. That is why it is explained in verse 2: 253 that Lord has given the privilege to some Messengers upon others. And the Three-Time-Knower Lord has already decided whatever happens in the universe and has recorded in his Book Adhikr as explained in verse 10: 61. See explanation 11: 5-6 and 17: 17.